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A Time of Prayer

A Time of Prayer Refreshments provided after the prayer meeting. Providence East Campus Sanctuary

Community Luncheon

Community Luncheon 11:30 a.m. meal, fellowship begins at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to bring sides Providence West Campus

Liberty Celebration

Regular Morning Worship Schedule 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship BBQ following the 10:45 AM Worship Providence West Campus

Choir FUMC Prattville

Visiting Choir from First United Methodist Church, Prattville, AL, under the direction of Jeremy Pyles Providence West Campus

Women’s Conference

Daughters of the King! The lives of biblical women are an example to follow even today. Come, hear a message of faith, truth, and hope that will both inspire and...


Back to School Burgers

PBC Kids hosting Back to School Burgers for Teachers and Staff in the Beauregard School Zone. Burgers will be served at the Providence West Campus.

Grief Share Support Group

Grief Share is for anyone who has lost a loved one, whether that loss was recent or not.  In our meetings,  at no time will you be called out to...

Horseshoe Bend Bookmobile

Horseshoe Bend Bookmobile will be in the East Campus Parking Lot. The community is invited to come and browse the library and check out books. The Bookmobile comes every 2nd...